Our Treatments

CFU Ultima For BODY

The ultimate non-surgical aesthetic technology

Science and technology are the heart and soul of BMF 
We take utmost pride in offering the latest treatments to bring out your beauty potential, and constantly update our equipment to reflect the rapidly changing nature of beauty technology to ensure you always get the best. 
This is why we are proud to offer a new aesthetics treatment that features the phenomenal breakthrough in beauty technology - CFU Ultima. It adopts an innovative application method that provides an increased level of precision, comfort and speed, without any downtime or damage to your skin. Only used in aesthetic clinics in the past, you can now enjoy all the benefits of this highly advanced age-defying treatment with its guaranteed safety and efficiency, exclusively at BMF!

CFU Ultima for BODY:

Harnessing the power of ultrasound energy, CFU Ultima helps to reshape the body as fat cells are dissolved and their contents are disposed through the vascular system and lymphatic drainage. See better body contours with these stubborn fat bulges gone!


  • Stimulates collagen production to firm and sculpt the body
  • Reduces localised fat under the skin for more shapely contours
  • Removes fat for upper arms, bra line, love handles, tummy, hips, inner&outer thighs and calves
  • Non-invasive with minimal discomfort
  • Long-lasting results


  • Centerless Transducer: Selective Thermal Effect
    • CFU Ultima’s unique centerless transducer allows for more targeted emission of ultrasound energy, thus enhancing performance without damaging the skin on the surface. The surface area of skin exposed to the ultrasound energy is smaller, resulting in less discomfort.
    • Thanks to its EASYZOOM application, CFU Ultima can be personalised with the most suitable transducer to reach the appropriate depth, power, and mode of ultrasound emission to achieve the desired targeted results.
    • CFU Ultima drastically reduces the treatment time and discomfort by using the new EASYFLOW application, a breakthrough in patient comfort. Rapid ultrasound energy emission speeds up the procedure considerably.
  • ACE (Acting Cooling Emission) Technology
    • Cooling fluid is actively circulated within the handpiece to guarantee its safety and efficiency. It also prevents thermal damage to the skin, ensuring the safety of the procedure.